Shared Hosting
UnitSpeed Host offer both Unix (Linux) and Windows. Our one-of-a-kind cross platform system runs applications in UNIX, Linux and Windows. The system is a server cluster farm with load balancing which provide you with the best service for uptime and reliable service for your domain. Read more
Dedicated Servers
UnitSpeed Host offer both Unix (Linux) and Windows. Read more
Linux and Windows server hosting give you complete control over the server. With us you have possibility of server hosting in several countries because of different global data centers. Read more
Cloud Solution / Servers
With a cloud solution from UnitSpeed Host you will not be locked into a particular server and you only pay for what is used. From your control panel you can decide which and how many servers you want to create. You can always add or delete servers and much more. Prices are per hour and you can freely switch on and off servers as needed. Read more
Cloud VPS servers
UnitSpeed Host offers VPS servers from a cloud infrastructure. Within our cloud it does not matter what hardware your virtual server is running. If a VPS server is in trouble our failover system ensure that another machine takes over the work immediately. Your data is not referring to the server itself is safe but on a central SAN (Storage Area Network). Read more
Domain Services
Purchase your own .com, .net, .org, .info .biz & .us name throught UnitSpeed Host at only $14.95 / year or let UnitSpeed Host be you domain registrar at only $13 (transfer your domain - will add one year to the original registration term). Read more
Hosted Exchange
Through UnitSpeed Host's Microsoft Exchange hosting, the smallest companies can benefit from powerful business email and collaboration on UnitSpeed Host's EMC SAN storage and clustered servers for maximum resilience. Add Microsoft SharePoint to your account and let your staff collaborate via the web. It creates an online space where your employees can log in and share information from any place and at any time. Read more
Hosted SharePoint
With SharePoint, your company can create your own online workspace (eg. with document management) and create a new and effective knowledge sharing solution. If your company already use Hosted Exchange it will be possible to link this with SharePoint. Læs mere
Server Monitoring
UnitSpeed Host can monitor your website & servers 24x7x365 from a global monitoring network not just to make sure they are UP but also available to worldwide users. The system can notify you via SMS or email whenever your website or server is in trouble. Read more
Remote Backup
UnitSpeed Host provides secure online backup services to them who value their data. We offer a free 30 day trial of our secure remote backup service. Our remote backup service securely transmits your data to our remote data center. Læs mere

Customer focus
We listen while we have the customer in focus of what we think, say and do.

Serious and reliable
We take clients and their concerns and issues very seriously because they are the core of our success and made us what we are today.